
Accessing USB printer under OpenVZ VE

To access USB printer from within OpenVZ Virtual Environment (VE), you need to allow the device to be visible and accessible by doing the following from the Host Environment (HE):
vzctl set 999 --devices usb/lp0:rw

cat /proc/vz/devperms
#Version: 2.7
# 0 b 016 *:*
# 0 c 006 *:*
# 999 c 006 180:0

If there is any trouble with printer access from within VE, verify that there is none from HE .

In my case, CUPS within VE correctly detected my printer at ``usb://Samsung/ML-1740``. Yet it couldn't push any job to the printer. I spent hours trying to get it work to no avail. What I should have done was to verify if CUPS in HE could do it successfully. It couldn't. But CUPS-in-VE in another machine could push the job successfully. The problem, then, probably was with the hardware.

So, I settled with specifying the printer location (DeviceURI) at ``file:/dev/usb/lp0``. It works, except that it can't read printer status because it requires two-way communication which ``file`` protocol does not support.


Anonymous said...

Did you really use the "usb/lp0:rw" as an arguement to the --devices switch? When I try it I get an error msg:

Bad parameter for --devices: usb/lp0:rw

YS said...

Oops, that was a mistake.

Here's the correct one:

vzctl set 999 --devnodes usb/lp0:rw

--devices uses major:minor number. --devnodes uses the device file.