
Apartment manager with spies

Since the new manager move into my apartment, she has been a great study for me as an example of bad manager. Below is her first letter to the tenants. Emphasis by me. Capitalisation is as per the original letter.

August 14, 2002 From: Female PHM (pointy-haired manager)
Dear Residents,
The work is underway on our exterior improvements. Clubhouse should be done by Mid September. The exterior painting will begin the first week of September. We are also replacing and adding new exterior lights. The property will be illuminated. A few issues to bring up:
* Pet owners must begin cleaning up after their pets. I have SPIES in each building that are reporting back to the office who is walking their dogs with out picking up the mess. We are taking note of the apartment numbers of the pet owners. You will lose the privilege to have a pet and could be fined if you do not begin cleaning up the feces. It is a health hazard and unsightly. It is especially disgusting by building "B".
* WE are still have parking problems. Due to the lack of parking by building "A" THE ONLY AUTHORIZED residents to park in front of "A" building are "A" building residents. You will be towed without warning if you park in an assigned spot, or in front of "A" building if you don't live in "A" building. The other reserved numbered parking is $25.00 per month. If you wish to have assigned parking, stop by the office. With payment, we will issue a spot and you will receive a parking permit.
* There are no vehicle repairs allowed on the property. If you continue to work on your cars, you will receive a 20 day vacate notice for nuisance and waste.
* We will keep closing the pool if you don't stay out of it with street clothes. Your choice.
PHM Property Manager

(originally from http://microjet.ath.cx/WebWiki/HowNotToBeAManager.html)


Counter Strike 1.5 Bug

If you change your name to "no skill & no luck -> fucked" from the console, CS will hang.

[originally from http://microjet.ath.cx/WebWiki/CounterStrike1.5Bug.html]